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President & founder- “T Cell: Target acquired, let’s activate!”

Elena Lopez

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Vice President- “B Cell: Ever heard of Th (President) cell dependent activation?”

Anna Vaynrub

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Secretary- “Chemokine: Meeting over here, right now!”

Claire Hoffman

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Research CO-Director- “Macrophage: Digest... and regurgitate the information”

Nate Dempsey

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Research CO-Director- “Macrophage: Digest... and regurgitate the information”

Zach Altshuler

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Awareness Director- “Neutrophil: Roll, Stop, and Educate”

Lourdes Kaufman

Publicity & Technology Director- “Cytokine: Did you get the message?”

Daniel Shen

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Event Director- “Antibody: Each function unique and special(ized)”

Irla Belli

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Education Director-“Dendritic Cell: I hope T cells see my presentation”

Alex Gibbons

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Financial Director- “Regulatory T cell: Let’s Keep things in Check$”

Vanessa Catania


  • Current Harvard Undergraduate student

  • Preexisting and actively involved HUIIC member

  • Will be expected to attend all board and club meetings

  • Members are grouped into director relevant tasks and rotated throughout the semester based on individual interests and skills


  • Will take place every December at the beginning of reading period during the last club meeting of the semester.

  • A shadow period between the old and new board will occur during the transition in the beginning of the spring semester.

  • Current board approves a nomination for a board application based on previous attendance and participation. Club members vote on nominees in person at the subsequent club meeting.

  • Election results are released through email the day after voting. Contested elections will be analyzed by the current board and potentially lead to re-election.